On 03/16/2012 04:29 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:
> I control the spacecraft with the arrow keys, which I do by grabbing the
> GdkEventKey and then checking it against GDK_KEY_Left, GDK_KEY_Right,
> and so forth. Strictly speaking what I am concerned with is whether or
> not the key is held down, but this seems to work because the key event
> gets repeated.
> However, if one of the arrows is held down, and another arrow is
> pressed, then it shuts off events for the first arrow. That's bad, of
> course, because in my game the player may want to hold down two arrows
> keys at once (e.g., UP for acceleration and LEFT to turn the
> spacecraft). So...

Okay, having got no responses, let me ask the question in a more direct
manner: under Gtk+, how does one check whether or not any particular
keyboard key is currently pressed? I know this is possible because I
used to do it back in my ClanLib days.

I see in the Gdk docs that there is a GdkDevice object, but it is not
clear to me how to create or utilize this to such an end.


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