(copy to OP in case he's already unsubscribed, apologies for duplication if he's not)

Le 30 avril 2016, Andrew Robinson a écrit :
Now my new problem I had was either locating a Win32 version of GTK+ greater
than v3.18 or locating a version of libglib.dll greater than v2.40. It isn't
going to happen. The GTK+ project itself does not support Win32 or Win64,
expecting the developer to install MSYS2 and then ... nothing. The GTK+
project gives no further instructions on what to do next. Getting the Linux
binaries for GTK+ in MSYS2 seems easy, but I don't want the Linux binaries, I
want the Windows binaries. I would compile my own binaries for Windows but
there is little reliable and complete information out there on how to do it
and what is there isn't credible. From what I understand, compiling binaries
for Win32 is a very time consuming and tedious project, so I knew if I had any
problems compiling it, I would not receive any help from the GTK+ (or probably
even the GNOME) community in resolving them.

I'm not an expert programmer and when I wanted to compile for Windows the software I developped in Linux, I couldn't achieve a satisfactory result (using the -mwin32 or -mwindows flag gave either a clumsy additional command window, or yielded an antivirus alert!).

Then I found MinGW Cross Env, now called MXE (http://mxe.cc/). It compiled my project with no effort at all. When you install it, it compiles the cross-compiler and the libs you want, so this takes quite long, but with no user intervention. Then all you have to do is add such lines in your Linux-ready Makefile:

# prepend all binaries with a later-defined prefix
# define the prefix in the rules targeting Windows
myrule : CROSS=/path/to/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-
myrule : ...


Lucas Levrel
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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