On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 9:32 PM, Andrew Robinson <arobinso...@cox.net> wrote:

> Been there, done that. The latest version of GTK+ that GNOME has is 2.24,
> i.e.
> -- there are no 3.x binaries.
There are many ways to have good gtk3 binaries for Windows:

- if you are using mingw you can fetch updated gtk3 binaries from msys2 (
- if you are cross compling Fedora and other distros provide mingw binaries
- if you are using MSVC, there are no pre-built binaries, but
https://github.com/wingtk/gtk-win32 provides a script to build them easily

We decided to not distribute binaries from gtk.org/gnome.org anymore since
we do not have the resources to do that for all the possible platforms and
toolchain combinations. Other projects like msys2 are much better equipped
to provide binaries (and this is the same on linux where binaries are
provided by distros).


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