
For those who are still not familiar with the issue, you have a lot to
read in bug #503071 comments.

I would like to explain my view of the un-allowed commits I've done in
glib and gtk+.

First I'd like to make it clear that my intentions are not to cause
chaos, and especially not to do any harm to glib, gtk+ and the GNOME

My patches in the bug were waiting for a couple of months to be
reviewed. And I got the feeling that this could be the case for a couple
of years as well (I've already fixed, more then once bugs that were open
for about 5 years). I've tried getting more attention by posting here
and by nagging on irc but there was no progress.

At this point I've decided to make a dramatic move and commit the
patches un-reviewed. While un-reviewed (Well actually Behdad did had a
look on them), there is nothing, in my humble opinion, that would damage
glib/gtk+. The intention was not to try and sneak the patches in
(Otherwise i wouldn't have post the changelog in bugzilla), but to get
them reviewed by glib/gtk+ hackers. This actually worked well and I've
got important and meaningful comments.

At this point I've received two requests to revert my commit, and one
question asking why I hadn't revert it.

My goal is to make GNOME the best desktop environment for people using
RTL locales. And I'm just trying to get another RTL related issue fixed,
so people would be less motivated to search for other RTL desktop

In my opinion reverting the commit before it gets reviewed means taking
a step backwards and loosing the progress I've already seen on this
subject. All I'm asking is for whomever is allowed to review and give
permission to commit a glib/gtk+ patch to review my patch, and if the
reviewer would feel that the patch can't be commited without making
fixes then I'll be happy to revert it.

Thanks for reading,

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