On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Tim Janik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 May 2008, Yair Hershkovitz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For those who are still not familiar with the issue, you have a lot to
>> read in bug #503071 comments.
>> I would like to explain my view of the un-allowed commits I've done in
>> glib and gtk+.
> Thanks for the patch and your input Yair, but for glib and gtk+ we have
> fairly simple rules, patches need review and approval before they can go
> in. The changes are reverted now, please use patch submission as future
> means for getting changes into GLib and Gtk+ like everyone else does.
> If you're not satisfied with our current processing speed and maintenance
> situation, please consider:
>   http://blogs.gnome.org/timj/2008/05/16/16052008-becoming-a-gtk-maintainer/
An observation and a suggestion


I also see that getting permission to get a patch committed is taking
a lot of time and effort. This makes contributing patches to glib/gtk+
difficult for new contributors (which  might become future
maintainers). In the end these contributors can just give up. They
feel their work gets ignored and they choose to focus on another
project than glib/gtk+.

So it's a kind of vicious circle. gtk+ want more maintainers, because
patches don't get reviewed. Because patches don't get reviewed it's
difficult for contributors to become a maintainer

Suggestion (Patch day)

Diego had a suggestion a while a go to triage bugzilla and mark easy
to apply patches [1], because they were already reviewed by several
people or because the patches are just trivial.

Would it be an idea to organize a Glib/Gtk+ patch day, say once a
month, when people that can give permission to apply the patches
gather and review these easy patches.



[1] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2008-April/msg00136.html
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