On 2011-05-27 at 13:42, ecyrbe wrote:
> I just filled this bug : https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=651225
> Mathias closed it as wontfix, this is by "design".. i'm told that it's not a
> bug it's a feature!

it's not a bug.

the rationale is: schemas are an integral part of an application or a
library exposing settings. it's like the .ui file for applications
creating their user interface through GtkBuilder. there is no amount of
magic in the world that can save you from a missing .ui file. without
the schema, the settings system cannot identify default values, key
names or *anything* else about the settings.

> So if my desktop is crashing it's a feature and nobody is willing to fix
> it?I really would like to have another answer than this one.

if your desktop is crashing then it means that some part of it is
relying on a file that is not there. try randomly removing a shared
library from your system, and you'll obtain the same behaviour.

> Can't we make gsettings return a null parameter?

and then what? abort the application? gracefully terminate with a
warning on the console?

> The gnome shell is currently  aborted if you make a small mistaping mistake
> because in an extension.

you're messing with extensions, and you're messing with custom schemas.
you only notice it more because the shell is the compositor.

we can have fallbacks in place, and the system should fall back and not
load the extension that caused it to abort in the first place; but that
is an issue of GNOME Shell, not of GSettings.


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