On 2011-05-27 at 14:59, ecyrbe wrote:
> > I just filled this bug : https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=651225
> > > Mathias closed it as wontfix, this is by "design".. i'm told that it's
> > not a
> > > bug it's a feature!
> >
> > it's not a bug.
> >
> >
> of course it's a bug, you can't abort like that a program.

you can say that all you want, but it's absolutely *not* a bug.

aborting a program is done all over the place in glib and gtk+.

> > and then what? abort the application? gracefully terminate with a
> > warning on the console?
> >
> No, you can gracefully show a popup to the user that something is broken and
> to the right direction. It's better than crashing.

and what would a popup solve from the user's perspective? a missing
schema is a missing file, which means an installation problem. there is
*no* graceful way to handle that.

and how can gsettings, in GIO, pop up a window?

> > you're messing with extensions, and you're messing with custom schemas.
> > you only notice it more because the shell is the compositor.
> >
> >
> I'm not messing with anything. I'm a free software developper like you and
> i have the right to develop anything i want without having my desktop
> crashing for silly mistakes.

[citation needed]

> > we can have fallbacks in place, and the system should fall back and not
> > load the extension that caused it to abort in the first place; but that
> > is an issue of GNOME Shell, not of GSettings.
> >
> >
> No, it's easier to not abort in gsettings than add a workaround to this bad
> behaviour.

no, it's not easier.

> You can't make decisions for the developper about how HIS program should
> behave,

we do take decisions like that *all the time*.


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