2013/1/17 Simon Feltman <s.felt...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm trying to figure out a complete solution for proper reference management
> of gobjects passed into python vfuncs and signal closures as "in" arguments.
> Currently pygobject will add a ref to gobject arguments marked as
> transfer-none during marshaling and additionally sink/ref the gobject when
> the python object wrapper is created around it. The initial added ref during
> marshaling is then leaked upon the closure finishing in most cases.
> The fix could simply be to not add the initial ref during marshaling (or we
> need to make sure it is released when the closure finishes). The problem is
> this behavior is relied upon when a floating ref is passed and is the
> explicit fix described in the following ticket (which un-fortunately causes
> a leak in the non-floating case):
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=661359
> The specific problem described in bug 661359 occurs when a python closure is
> connected to a GtkCellRendererTexts "editing-started" signal. During the
> start of editing, a GtkEntry is created and passed almost immediately to
> signal emission before any ownership takes place:
> http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/gtkcellrenderer.c#n864
> This results in the following ref counting behavior of the GtkEntry as it is
> used by gtk_cell_area_activate_cell and gtk_cell_renderer_start_editing:
> 1 (floating) - gtk_cell_renderer_text_start_editing creates the GtkEntry
> 2 (floating) - g_signal_emit argument marshaling adds an additional ref
> during signal emission
> 3 (floating) - python closure marshaling adds an additional ref described
> above
> 3 (owned) - A PyGObject wraps the GtkEntry and sinks the floating ref
> * python callback is called and passed the wrapper
> 2 (owned) - The PyGObject wrapper is destroyed after the python callback
> finishes additionally freeing a gobject ref
> 1 (owned) - g_signal_emit argument marshaling completes and frees the ref it
> added
> 2 (owned) - gtk_cell_area_activate_cell sets the CellAreas edit widget which
> adds a ref
> 1 (owned) - cell editing finishes and removes the widget from the CellArea

I don't know the internals of pygobject, but to me it looks the leak
comes from not releasing the reference you add inside the callback
The way it works in gjs is:

1 (floating) - gtk_cell_renderer_text_start_editing creates the GtkEntry
2 (floating) - g_signal_emit argument marshaling adds an additional ref
during signal emission
2 (owned) - gjs closure marshaling creates a JS object wrapper,
calling ref_sink on the object
2 (owned, toggle, GC root) gjs adds a toggle reference and then
immediately unrefs the object
1 (owned, toggle, not rooted) - g_signal_emit argument marshaling
completes and frees the ref it added
2 (owned, toggle, GC root) - gtk_cell_area_activate_cell sets the
CellAreas edit widget which adds a ref
1 (owned, toggle, not rooted) - cell editing finishes and removes the
widget from the CellArea
... time passes ...
0 - GC triggers and the JS object finalizer removes the last ref

I know that Python doesn't have a GC in the traditional sense, but you
could still send finalization for GObject wrappers to a idle callback
so there is no risk of finalizing objects that C code assumes are
still alive.

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