On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 8:31 AM Matthias Clasen <matthias.cla...@gmail.com>

> I will ignore the childish name-calling here and just state that as far as
> I am concerned,
> the bugs you file are donations to the project. What we do with them is up
> to us. If we decide
> to fix them, good for you. If not, that's tough and annoying, but lets
> face it: there is an infinite
> number of bug reporters out there, and only a handful of people who spend
> their free time trying
> to keep up with it, so some bugs will always go unfixed, that is just
> reality.
Much as I would hate to extend this conversation beyond what was said; I
felt compelled to comment.  I feel like this is not a very positive message
to send to the overall community.

While brutally true, there is an underlying messaging that encourages a
"why bother?" response from potential contributors.  I am sure that is not
that the intent but messaging is important.

While none of you are PR people and tend to dispense with messaging in lieu
of fortright conversations - I would like to point out that if we want to
increase resources for GTK+ and not be a small group of overworked core
GTK+ people the first step is ensure that we are a community worth
investing time and effort in.

Every contributor who takes an actionable step and reports a bug is a
potential future core contributor.  Please remember that.  A person who
attempts to fix a bug with a patch is even more valuable.

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