How would one go about testing their own application, with the fact that GTK 
does not free some of its memory, in order to make sure the application isn't 
leaking memory? I suppose that you could just look at a list of processes and 
note when a repeated task (Opening/closing a window, connecting/disconnecting 
from a server/etc) increases the memory of the process, but this is hardly 
efficient, and can sometimes be fooled by the fact that the libraries cache 
their memory.

What would be a better way of diagnosing memory leaks in an application?

On Wed, 2 Jun 2010 11:37:05 -0400
Paul Davis <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Sergei Steshenko <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- On Wed, 6/2/10, Paul Davis <> wrote:
> >> don't even waste your time. gtk does not leak.
> >
> > I have never laughed more. Just go through gtk+ release notes and look for
> > the fixed bugs related to memory leaks.
> >
> > gtk+ propaganda machine is much worse and obnoxious than the former USSR
> > one.
> anyone who has been on this list as long as i have will know that the
> vast majority of "GTK leaks" reports turn out to be false. they
> normally consist of reports gathered with inadequate and/or
> inadequately documented tools by people who have an inadequate (though
> entirely forgivable) understanding of how memory allocation works in a
> complex application with linkage to lots of libraries.
> i did say in my post  "there have, on occasion, been small bugs found
> that cause leakage under particular circumstances." and yes, if your
> application is hitting these circumstances, then you will have leak
> issues. but the OP didn't ask about that. he asked a general broad
> question, and the general, broad answer is "no it doesn't."
> do you want to bring up the next comparison, or shall we leap ahead to
> godwin's law and consider the thread done already?
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