Am Donnerstag 18 Januar 2007 14:53 schrieb muppet:
> On Jan 18, 2007, at 12:56 AM, Nik Ogura wrote:
> > I ran the example on my Ubuntu 6.06 system.
> > She pulsed like a bat out of hell.
> >
> > Don't know if that helps zero in on the problem, but hey I figured I'd
> > mention it.
> It makes it sound like much less of a binding problem.
> Please compile and run the following C code (transliterated from your
> previously posted perl code) with
>     $ gcc -o progress progress.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`
>     $ ./progress
> on your test systems.  If the same behavior manifests, it is a gtk+
> or theme issue.
> /* ---- begin progress.c ---- */

[ snip ]

> /* --- end progress.c ---- */

Thanks for the code and the commandline! As I kind of expected, the C version 
of the test also does not work on my machine (kubuntu).

After this test, I played around a bit and found some settings in the system 
configurations panel that's about GTK styles and fonts. There you can decide 
whether to "use my KDE style in GTK applications" or "use another style" and 
choose between "Qt" or "Raleigh". When I set it to "use another style" and 
select "Raleigh", the progress bar *does* pulse (of course, it's no more 
a "KDE" progressbar).

So it's now traced down to some KDE/GTK/theme interaction. Is there anything 
more I / we can do about it, or just file a bug? Is Kubuntu the only 
distribution allowing KDE styles for GTK applications? I'm not sure who 
should get the bug assigned -- kubuntu, kde or gtk...
I actually don't even know whether there's any KDE application with a "pulse" 
progressbar, or if they only use the "fraction" ones and it simply doesn't 
know how to pulse at all:)


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