On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 9:55 PM, Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeeti...@gmx.de> wrote:
> muppet wrote:
>> Careful --- that will most definitely be a naming conflict with
>> Glib::Object::get().
>>    $style->get (...);    <- should that be Glib::Object::get() or
>> Gtk2::Style::get() ?

I tried to how the C++ and D bindings where doing with gtk_style_get
and gtk_style_get_property and they didn't implement it yet. I was
finding odd that no one implemented gtk_style_get yet, but I think
that this is a 2.16 method that not marked as 'since 2.16'. Can some
one confirm this?

> The other method, Gtk2::Style::get_property(), also clashes with
> Glib::Object. The question is whether this is acceptable in the same way as
> it is acceptable for Gtk2::TreeModel::get(), i.e. are people more likely to
> mean Gtk2::Style::get() rather than Glib::Object::get() when they call
> $style->get()?
> Also, Emmanuel, I think it would make sense to let Gtk2::Style::get() and
> get_property() be the same method (i.e. one is the alias of the other), and
> to let that one method accept multiple arguments.  Just like
> Glib::Object::get() and get_property() (in Glib/GObject.xs line 1257).

I have implemented Torsten's proposal.

Emmanuel Rodriguez
Index: xs/GtkStyle.xs
--- xs/GtkStyle.xs	(revision 2116)
+++ xs/GtkStyle.xs	(working copy)
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "gtk2perl.h"
 MODULE = Gtk2::Style	PACKAGE = Gtk2::Style	PREFIX = gtk_style_
@@ -572,3 +573,72 @@
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 15, 0) /* FIXME 2.16.0 */
+=for apidoc Gtk2::Style::get
+=for signature $style->get (widget_package, ...)
+=for arg widget_package (string) widget package name (ex: 'Gtk2::TreeView')
+=for arg ... (list) list of property names
+Fetch and return the values for the style properties named in I<...> for a
+widget of type I<widget_package>.
+=for apidoc Gtk2::Style::get_property
+=for arg widget_package (__hide__)
+=for arg ... (__hide__)
+Alias for C<get>.
+gtk_style_get (style, widget_package, ...)
+    GtkStyle    *style
+    const char  *widget_package
+    ALIAS:
+        Gtk2::Style::get = 0
+        Gtk2::Style::get_property = 1
+        int i;
+        GType widget_type;
+        gpointer class_peek;
+        GValue value = {0,};
+    CODE:
+        /* Use CODE: instead of PPCODE: so we can handle the stack ourselves in
+         * order to avoid that xsubs called by g_object_get_property overwrite
+         * what we put on the stack. */
+        PERL_UNUSED_VAR (ix);
+        widget_type = gperl_type_from_package(widget_package);
+        if (widget_type == 0) {
+            croak("package %s is not registered with GPerl", widget_package);
+        }
+        if (! g_type_is_a (widget_type, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET)) {
+            croak("%s is not a subclass of Gtk2::Widget", widget_package);
+        }
+        class_peek = g_type_class_peek(widget_type);
+        for (i = 2 ; i < items ; i++) {
+            GValue value = {0, };
+            gchar * name = SvGChar(ST(i));
+            GParamSpec * pspec;
+            pspec = gtk_widget_class_find_style_property(class_peek, name);
+            if (pspec) {
+                g_value_init(&value, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE(pspec));
+                gtk_style_get_property(style, widget_type, name, &value);
+                ST (i - 2) = sv_2mortal (gperl_sv_from_value(&value));
+                g_value_unset(&value);
+            }
+            else {
+                warn ("Invalid property `%s' used", name);
+            }
+        }
+        XSRETURN (items - 2);
Index: t/GtkStyle.t
--- t/GtkStyle.t	(revision 2116)
+++ t/GtkStyle.t	(working copy)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 # vim: set ft=perl expandtab shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 :
 use strict;
-use Gtk2::TestHelper tests => 113;
+use Gtk2::TestHelper tests => 118;
 # $Id$
@@ -133,6 +133,56 @@
   ok (1);
+SKIP: {
+  skip("get_property is new in 2.16", 5)
+    unless (Gtk2->CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0)); # FIXME 2.16
+  # Test different properties (gint, gboolean, gchar* and GObject)
+  my $property = $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'expander-size');
+  my $treeview = Gtk2::TreeView -> new();
+  # get gboolean
+  is (
+    $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'allow-rules'),
+    $treeview -> style_get_property('allow-rules'),
+    "get_property gboolean"
+  );
+  # get gint
+  is (
+    $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'expander-size'),
+    $treeview -> style_get_property('expander-size'),
+    "get_property gint"
+  );
+  # get gchar*
+  is (
+    $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'grid_line-pattern'),
+    $treeview -> style_get_property('grid_line-pattern'),
+    "get_property gchar*"
+  );
+  # get GObject (a color)
+  is (
+    $style -> get_property('Gtk2::TreeView', 'even-row-color'),
+    $treeview -> style_get_property('even-row-color'),
+    "get_property GObject*"
+  );
+  # Get multiple properties simultaneously
+  my @properties = $style -> get('Gtk2::TreeView', 'expander-size', 'even-row-color', 'grid_line-pattern');
+  is_deeply (
+    \...@properties,
+    [
+      $treeview -> style_get_property('expander-size'),
+      $treeview -> style_get_property('even-row-color'),
+      $treeview -> style_get_property('grid_line-pattern'),
+    ],
+    'get multiple properties',
+  );
 Copyright (C) 2003-2006 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
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