Jens Petersen <> writes:

> [sigh forget to click reply-all earlier...]
>>>> Jens Petersen <> writes:
>>>>> I suggest moving Gtk2HsSetup.hs into a library, it could be part
>>>>> of gtk2hs-buildtools perhaps.  How about it?
>>>> It can't work.
>>>> Because we need Gtk2HsSetup.hs generate Signals.chs and Types.chs
>>>> *before*
>>>> any cabal depend check.
>>> Hmm I haven't tested but don't really understand.
>>> You mean it will break builds with cabal-install?
>>> Doesn't gtk2hs-buildtools already do that? :)
>> Yes, but these are two separate show-stoppers:
>> a) the gtk2hs-buildtools contains only binaries. It does not register as a
>> package with ghc. Thus, if we make the gtk package depend on
>> gtk2hs-buildtools, cabal would complain that (even after installing
>> gtk2hs-buildtools) the gtk2hs-buildtools library is not there
> Right
>> b) putting Gtk2HsSetup.hs in either gtk2hs-buildtools or any other library
>> means that ./Setup.hs has to run to realize that this library is missing and
>> that it needs to be downloaded. However, ./Setup.hs cannot be run because it
>> imports Gtk2HsSetup.hs which is not yet available.
>> I don't know if (b) can be solved by e.g. conditionally importing
>> Gtk2HsSetup.hs if it is there and only installing libraries and re-invoking
>> Setup.hs one this is done. This is a common trick in Makefiles, e.g. one
>> could call make recursively to first build dependencies. Any suggestions
>> welcome.
> Perhaps.  I guess I was just trying to say that having
> Gtk2HsSetup in gtk2hs-buildtools still seems better to me
> even if Setup is broken! :)
> Not claiming it is a good solution just better than having
> a copy-library IMHO...  But I hear your reluctance to do my hack. :)
Yes, maintain Gtk2HsSetup.hs is painful, we need update all gtk2hs-base
packages once we update something in Gtk2HsSetup.hs.

> Sure in the long turn Cabal should be improved for this case...
It's Cabal' fault, sadly.

  -- Andy

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