On 10 Jul 2012, at 19:12, Hamish Mackenzie wrote:

> I had to disable plugNsocket because they have moved to gtk/gtkx.h and I 
> could not work out how to get them to work.  I tried creating a gtk3.h that 
> #included gtk/gtk.h and gtk/gtkx.h, but that did not seem to work.  How is it 
> working out what header file to look in?

I think I have managed to get to the bottom of this.  It turns out Plug and 
Socket stuff only exists in gtk3 when GDK_WINDOWING_X11 is defined  (so Quartz 
on the OS X is out).  I think something like this might work...

        if os(windows) || (flag(gtk3) && flag(have-quartz-gtk)) 
          x-Types-Tag: default
          x-Types-Tag: default plugNsocket
          cpp-options: -DHAVE_PLUG_AND_SOCKET

Then we can add HAVE_PLUG_AND_SOCKET to the existing #ifs that only check for 

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