Finally I found a gtk3 patch to gtk2hs. Thank you for the work.
But when I was trying to install it, I got these errors:
    Couldn't match expected type `Ptr ()' with actual type `Window'
    In the return type of a call of `toWindow'
    In the third argument of `\ (PrintOperation arg1) arg2 arg3 arg4
                                -> withForeignPtr arg1
                                   $ \ argPtr1
                                       -> gtk_print_operation_run argPtr1 
arg2 arg3 arg4', namely
      `(toWindow parent)'
    In the expression:
      (\ (PrintOperation arg1) arg2 arg3 arg4
         -> withForeignPtr arg1
            $ \ argPtr1 -> gtk_print_operation_run argPtr1 arg2 arg3 arg4)
        (toPrintOperation self)
        ((fromIntegral . fromEnum) action)
        (toWindow parent)

    Couldn't match expected type `Ptr ()' with actual type `Window'
    In the return type of a call of `toWindow'
    In the first argument of `\ arg1
                                (PageSetup arg2)
                                (PrintSettings arg3)
                                -> withForeignPtr arg2
                                   $ \ argPtr2 -> withForeignPtr arg3 $ \ 
argPtr3 -> ...', namely
      `(toWindow window)'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
      `(\ arg1 (PageSetup arg2) (PrintSettings arg3)
          -> withForeignPtr arg2
             $ \ argPtr2
                 -> withForeignPtr arg3
                    $ \ argPtr3
                        -> gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog arg1 argPtr2 
         (toWindow window)
         (toPageSetup pageSetup)
         (toPrintSettings setting)'

    Couldn't match expected type `Ptr ()' with actual type `Window'
    In the return type of a call of `toWindow'
    In the first argument of `\ arg1
                                (PageSetup arg2)
                                (PrintSettings arg3)
                                -> withForeignPtr arg2
                                   $ \ argPtr2 -> withForeignPtr arg3 $ \ 
argPtr3 -> ...', namely
      `(toWindow window)'
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      (\ arg1 (PageSetup arg2) (PrintSettings arg3) arg4 arg5
         -> withForeignPtr arg2
            $ \ argPtr2
                -> withForeignPtr arg3
                   $ \ argPtr3
                       -> gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async
                            arg1 argPtr2 argPtr3 arg4 arg5)
        (toWindow window)
        (toPageSetup pageSetup)
        (toPrintSettings setting)
Failed to install gtk-

在 2012年10月8日星期一UTC+8上午1时20分26秒,Hamish写道:
> I have managed to get Leksah working with Gtk 3.  I have uploaded the 
> patched Gtk2Hs to patch-tag (including Peter's patches and some new ones). 
> Unfortunately the gtksourceview repo is still darcs-1 so I did not 
> think it was a good idea. 
> Fun new features in Leksah are "View->Dark" mode switch, to request a dark 
> theme from Gtk (tested with the Adwaita theme) and a "Fullscreen" 
> mode (not tested on multi monitors yet). 
> OS X 
> ---- 
> You are probably best of with the binaries as gtk-osx is hard to install.. 
> (only tested on Mountain Lion) 
> Linux 
> ----- 
> First install the patched Gtk2Hs 
> sudo apt-get install libgtksourceview-3.0-dev 
> darcs get 
> cd gtk2hs/tools 
> cabal install 
> cd ../gtk 
> cabal install -fgtk3 
> Then get the gtksourceview darcs repo and apply the patches found 
> here... 
> cd gtksourceview 
> cabal install -fgtk3 
> Finally follow the instructions in the Development section at the bottom 
> of this page... 
> Windows 
> ------- 
> Ummm... Have you considered a linux VM?  I will try to make binaries 
> as soon as I get Gtk 3 installed (don't hold your breath). 
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