Congratulations Roger a very good finish!
I hope there is not a lot of damage on the engine.
Did you changed sprockets to save fuel? I'm wondering how the sidecardriver
the fuelconsumption, cause the fuelcelcapacity is limmited by the IBR. And
sidecars makes
bikes very thirsty (lack of aerodynamics).

The IBR is to tough for me at this moment. There are no rallies like the IBR in
Europe, but
Michael Kneebone write me that Saddlesores can be ride anywhere, anytime on the
So I'm thinking of doing a Saddlesore in the near future.

John Dreuning
The Netherlands
GTS/Mega-Comete sidecar

Roger Van Santen wrote:

> .....OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS:  There is a world of difference between
> 24/36
> hour rallies and and 11 day event.  I have been quite competitive in the
> short rallies.  They are more like a sprint, albeit a long sprint.  But an
> 11 day event takes more planning, pacing, and self discipline.
> EPILOG:  About the time I hit the Oregon border on the way home, the bike
> dropped a cylinder.  Hoping it was some bad fuel, I ran some fuel injection
> cleaner through, to no avail.  New plugs didn't help.  Tonight I finally got
> around to checking the compression.  There is none in cylinders #1 and #3.
> So I guess my expenses from this rally aren't over yet. :(
> If you've endured this long, you too could be a long distance rider.  In
> summation, I had fun and I would/will do it again.  It's not for everyone,
> but it's an itch that I've scratched and it feels good.  Again, thanks to
> all of you for your interest and support.
> Roger
> 99 IBR Finisher on the only GTS entered!

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