I just had a thought (yeh it happens once in a while...) Apart from losing
the air sensor, if you replace the airbox with K&Ns, unless you fitted some
carefully placed rubber or other type barrier the filters will feed directly
from the hot air coming through the radiator. Hot air is not good for
performance and could indeed cause richer running as hot air is less dense.
This would also happen if you drill holes in the front of the standard
airbox. The standard set up has lots of rubber packing around the cylinder
head and airbox to direct all the air coming through the radiator out
sideways to the two large openings in the fairing. The two intake snorkels
which feed the airbox (one on each side) are fed fresh air from the small
fairing openings just below the bigger openings.

Removing the airbox will also allow at least some hot radiator air to flow
back along the bike (rather than all out the fairing openings) which I would
think would heat everything (frame, seat, your legs and bum) up a lot more
than normal. Not good IMO. Could be good in sub freezing winter climates

Cheers Joe.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Biasotti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 1999 12:18 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: K&N's vs air box (was Fish & Chips rally)

It is hard to tell from the seat of the pants, but with the K&N's it
didn't seem to have as much torque at lower revs or rev faster, but ran
really well at higher revs/ speeds. I think I may have found the
compromise with the hole drilling/air box, as I have the low end grunt
again and didn't seem to loose anything on top end.
I'll try some pictures this wkend and send them off to Kevin.
Dave Biasotti // Fremont, CA

George Paramithas wrote:
> > The K&N's didn't really change the performance, other than give a
> > raspier sound from the unmuffled intake.
> I am very surprised by the above comment, not that I doubt you Dave but I
> have noticed an increase in performance with the K&Ns. What size did you
> have on? As for the raspy sound I can attest to that!
> Good thinking about the holes in the air box, I did the same to my RS and
> made a difference. Please take a picture and let Kevin post it on his web
> page, he loves that stuff, makes him feel impotant :-)
> George loves aerodynamics
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