Had this one saved.  It looks like it has all the contact info.  For the 
recent discussions about the bags, check the archives.

> OK guys here's the latest on the Krauser bags.  Yamaha will not sell
>  directly to me since I am only an end user so, I can no longer pass on
>  to you any quantity savings I may have been able to secure.
>  Yami/Germany is the only company in the world having the right to sell
>  Krauser bags so for those of you who are still interested in the bags
>  you will have to order through a German dealer (do not fret, most of
>  them speak English very well....unlike our dealers).  You can call
>  directly  011-49-52411806 and ask to talk to Mr. Bienird, he is the
>  owner of this specific Yami dealership, he came highly recommended by
>  Yami/Germany.  Tell him to call and order from Mr. Mueller who is in
>  charge of the accessories department of Yami/Germany.  His direct phone
>  line is 011-49-5731843180....don't ask how may overseas calls I had to
>  make to get there from here (011 is the overseas exchange from the USA
>  and 49 is Germany's country code).
>  Another option is to get a USA dealer interested enough to make the
>  overseas call and have the total stock shipped directly to him.
>  Yami/Germany has currently in stock ONLY 3 sets of the 34L bags and 5
>  sets of the 47 L bags so, time may be of essence.
>  George has spoken

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