You go Shawn!!!

Grant Gall

> Let's start a real battle here folks (I love to see the wild ass ideas!)
> For Christ sake Ken and the rest of you constitutionally minded members.
> Going to Yellowstone and sitting in the middle of a field listening to
> nothing but nature is one of God's greatest gifts.....why you might think
> mixing a gasoline powered device with total silence is beyond me.  Wrapping
> yourself around such idiotic ideas as "if you let them win've lost
> forever..." is such crap.
> The facts are simple, more people, less want to ride ...go
> ride...just leave the National Parks as they were designed to be...a Friggin
> National Park!  It's called compromising....if you don't want any land left
> to take your kids to..pave the hole friggin continent and invite the public.
> This is a personal battle for me....I have vacation property in Canada (in
> family since 1922)  the number of people that ride there bikes, dirt bikes,
> mini bikes, or just plain walk onto MY land...sit on MY God Damn Dock and
> Smoke a Stoogy and drink a bottle of wine to watch the sunset(seriously) and
> disrupt my personal space it disgusting.  Instead of fighting the
> government, use some personal moderation..  This is the land of the
> free...but remember for every bike rider there's a bookworm that just wants
> to sit undisturbed and pontificated the dust in their navel!  Motorcycles
> have their place...on private lands....not on public lands like national
> parks.
> The AMA does some great things to help promote and protect our sport...this
> is definately not one of them.  It would be much more useful for them to
> promote save gun toting while riding as far as I'm concerned...hmmm the GTS
> Glove box could qualify as a concealed weapon location couldn't it?
> My bitchin for the day!
> Shawn P

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