No this is not an invite for all you 'mericans to move to Canada but,
more square miles than the USA, a tenth of the population and wide open
spaces.  Hey, isn't that a song?

Grant sky for miles....

Giuntoli, Steve wrote:
> <Let's start a real battle here folks (I love to see the wild ass ideas!)>
> OK, I'm in.
> Just give the off roaders a place to go.  Couple thousand acres here and
> there.  Save the other 489 billion acres for other recreation.  Hiking,
> fishing, camping, bird watching, hunting, whatever.  I am part of nature
> too.  Don't ban me from it.  Don't permit me to abuse it either.
> Whew, glad I got my $.02 in.
> Have a great weekend, no matter how you spend it.
> Steve
> Confidential e-mail for addressee only

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