What you have experienced from improper assembly does not make it a design 
feature. What you describe would be a feature, a sales feature, that, 
certainly would be worth mentioning, if it exisited. It would also stand to 
reason that if this were supposed to happen, Yamaha has a responsibility to 
disclose how to diagnose and repair the condition if it did not exist. The 
components you described are indeed in the system, granted, but, your 
conclusions are not supportted. I also understand Yamaha does not go into 
detail about operation to the finite degree, which is by design. Yamaha, in 
my opinion, is a conservative company, and is sensitive to customer safety, 
and their own liability. If they do not want critical complex components  
disassembled, they niether offer them avaible as individual pieces, or offer 
information on how to service or repair them. I am guessing this is a 
corporate decision not made with out the assistance of lawyers. Further, not 
everyone that is passionate about their motorcycle is qualified to work on 
it, and not everyone understands the difference between the two, esp the 
passionate unqualified ones. Some know their limtis, and wisely never cross 
them, others have been known to just jump right in. Certainly, I respect your 
experience and insight. However, my understanding of how and why a 
corporation does what it does and does not do, will not allow me to believe 
you have uncovered something such as this. I agree, further discussion can 
continue off list, I felt it important to respond to your explanation on 
list, for the benefit of those that are interested.

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