Greetings to all.
It's been a while during my job change and some travelling to get set up. 
On a happy note the weather in Calgary is expected to be in the 20s this
weekend, high60sF, and my maintenance is complete. I'm working on the
mounting rack for the new GIVI bags when I'm not trying to get the yard work
done. Sorry Grant... no prototype yet. Hopefully by the end of the month.
I took some advice from Roger and mounted a set of Michelin Macadams on the
GTS. Nice tire. I've already worn the soles on my boots, a task that made me
nervous in the past. The highway ride is fantastic. No more washing in the
high speed corners. I hope to get them out in the mountains this weekend and
give them a real run.
I'll let you all know. Anyways. Thanks Roger.


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