The left fuse on the starter relay is a spare one.
I have had a problem with the fuse connections and the other connections on the
Nothing was working except the alarm system (Datatool), but the alarm system
refused to switch off
when I wanted to (The alarm has his own fuse). So that was a lot of noise on the
camping at night ;-)

The main fuse wasn't broke.
After cleaning all the connections everything works normal.

Maybe your problem is that some connections are connect to each other that
should not be connect to each other.
Or a bad earth connection.

John Dreuning, working on his GTS/Sidecar home page

German Gonzalez Navarro wrote:

>   Last Sunday returned to my city, 800 kilometers. Everything was well, but
> when filling the tank of the gasoline and putting to work the motorcycle,
> let work, the tachometer, speedometer, blinkers, stoplights, the indicating
> light of the ABS blinking. Thus it returns home without no other misfortune.
> The Motorcycle works, I think that it is a problem of fuses, but single I
> have found 2 fuses in the starter relay and are in good state.
> Could somebody indicate like solving it?
>   Best Regards
>  German Gonzalez

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