Sounds similar to the problems I'm having - I have a TPS on order.  I had
noticed earlier in the summer that the off idle surging had seemed to
increase in amplitude - at the time I thought it was just my perception.
When on the road, the bike feels a little jerky, but really, not too bad.
When placed on the center stand, I can't keep the RPM steady and
occasionally, I'll take and error 15 and 13 (IPS and TPS discontinuity)

The testing procedure for the TPS is in the ECU section of the shop manual -
check my earlier mail this week for the relevant pages - but if you put the
bike into dealer mode, you can then put it into diag mode by putting the
kill switch on and hitting the start button 10 time within 4 seconds.  After
that, you can go into TPS test mode by hitting the start button 4 or 5 times
(both 4 and 5 test different aspects of the TPS).  The book gives the diag
code that you should get at a closed throttle and at full open throttle
(correct values are 44 - 51 full throttle, max I got was 31)  The ideal
solution would be to swap the TPS with another one that you know is good and
see if it corrects your problem -- I was unable to do that.

Also, if the mechanic screwed with the position of the TPS, it may only need
a small adjustment - there are 2 screws on the TPS - if you loosen them ,
you can rotate it clockwise or counter clockwise.  When the bike is in
dealer mode, the engine light will flash with a certain period (.5
second??)  If the TPS is rotated too far one way, the period will increase
-- if it's rotated too far the other way, the period will decrease - again,
check your owners manual for a detailed description.

Lastly, If you do find that it's your TPS, shop around for the part and mail
order it - my local shops wanted around $175 for it - the discount parts
places listed in the back of dirt bike or cycle mag. wanted between $115 -

Good Luck Darren, this problem in my bike (and one other person on this
list) has been a real pain in the ass.



> Okay I have a sick GTS on my hands right now and really wanted to get it
> going before wednesday(I'm supposed to be leaving on a trip wed.). I
> believe the symptoms have been coming on gradually and that I
> misdiagnosed them this is whats happened so far. I have been having
> problems which I thought was the typical idle surge problem mostly at
> about 3000 rpm or less. So I took the bike in for a tune up and while I
> had it in the shop I had the mechanic make the prescribed changes for
> the presumed idle surge. When I got the bike back my machanic asked me
> if I noticed the engine seemed to "miss" at low rpm. I had thought it
> was the idle surge problem and so didn't think much of it and said no.
> Problem is the bike seemed to run fine at higher rpm's (over 3000) so I
> just rode it home I didn't have time to ride it really until later
> tonight but after riding it, it seems to have gotten much worse. It is
> now nearly impossible to pull away cleanly from a stop. I stopped after
> struggling with it for awhile and played with the throttle a little and
> what I noticed is if I roll the throttle open slowly (and I do mean
> Slowly) it seems ok up to 1500 rpm but seems to get sluggish after that.
> When I get to 2000 rpm the engine seems to get stuck at this rpm as I
> continue to roll the throttle open until it makes a sudden jump in revs.
> Now I played with it a little more and if I hold the throttle open at a
> certain position the rpm bounces erratically between about 1500 and 2000
> (this is steady throttle). It seems like a tps problem to me but I
> haven't had a chance to do much more than the observations I just
> listed. I will be digging into the bike in the morning checking
> plugwires etc. but I am hoping someone may know from experience what the
> problem might be. I am open to suggestions. In other words "HELP" !!!
> Darren

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