On 2015-09-15 16:05, David Pirotte wrote:
Hi Luis,

Cool work, many thanks!

I'll read carefully and if I feel like I should, I'll provide some
more [personal]
feedback, but as an overall and quick look, it really is nice.

Glad you like it, David, thanks :)

Website mockup (some rough sketches here)

My intention with this proposal is, hopefully, to modernize the image of
the project a bit and make it more attractive to potential users.

This is definitely going to impact potential users, I think, thanks
for doing this!

Do you have the site source code somewhere we could look at it and maybe patch?

No code yet, the mock-up is an SVG drawing. I'm waiting for feedback on the general design first before implementing anything.

Thanks for the feedback, David :)

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

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