Hello Guilers,

some months ago I thought it would be neat if we had a simpler
environment for newcomers to play with Guile than to ask them to first
learn how to use Emacs.

This is what made me play around with Emacs to build something called
“Guile Studio”.  It aims to hide the weirdest parts of Emacs and
configure it out of the box for hacking on Guile with Geiser and the
picture language.

There’s very little to it at this point.

- It unclutters the “File” and “Help” menus (e.g. removing buffer
  printing, links to the Emacs manual, the psychiatrist, etc)

- adds more prominent links to the Guile info manual

- adds a tool bar to load and insert pictures into Geiser

- starts a Geiser session with the %load-path and %load-compiled-path
  set up to find the picture language module (pict).

- uses CUA mode by default (for Ctrl-X/C/V for cut/copy/paste).

- has completion and Guile syntax checking support

Guile Studio is not supposed to be yet another pre-configured Emacs; its
goal is just to provide a comfortable environment that works best for
playing with Guile.  I’d like to have less surprising window management,
but I don’t know of any clear, simple and obvious solution.  I just
don’t want windows to pop up and seemingly replace others, and I want
the management of how windows are arranged to be done manually and via
simple buttons.  Any ideas about how to achieve this?

What other things do you think could be helpful for new Guilers?

If you want to contribute please work with the code here:


Please write to this list to discuss changes.

You can install Guile Studio with “guix install guile-studio”.


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