Hi Ricardo,

Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> writes:

> some months ago I thought it would be neat if we had a simpler
> environment for newcomers to play with Guile than to ask them to first
> learn how to use Emacs.
> This is what made me play around with Emacs to build something called
> “Guile Studio”.  It aims to hide the weirdest parts of Emacs and
> configure it out of the box for hacking on Guile with Geiser and the
> picture language.

This sounds like a very useful thing to have, in an area where we are
currently (or were previously :) lacking.  Thank you for working on it!
I'm overloaded with other urgent tasks at the moment, but I will
certainly take a look at this at my earliest opportunity.

This is of particular interest to me because I have a dearly beloved
"honorary" nephew who will soon be of age to start learning how to
program, and I can see that more work needs to be done before Guile
could be a credible option for that purpose.  This work is a most
welcome contribution toward improving the situation.  We also need to
greatly improve our error messages, but that's another story :)

> Guile Studio is not supposed to be yet another pre-configured Emacs; its
> goal is just to provide a comfortable environment that works best for
> playing with Guile.  I’d like to have less surprising window management,
> but I don’t know of any clear, simple and obvious solution.  I just
> don’t want windows to pop up and seemingly replace others, and I want
> the management of how windows are arranged to be done manually and via
> simple buttons.  Any ideas about how to achieve this?

I wonder if the Emacs community would be a good place to ask.
What do you think?

   Thank you!

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