Jonas Hahnfeld via "Developers list for Guile, the GNU extensibility library" 
<> writes:

> On Wed, 2024-03-20 at 21:28 +0100, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
>> I'm also explicitly CC'ing Andy and Ludo - we really need a statement
>> by a maintainer whether this can land. From my point of view, it's a
>> clear improvement in terms of supported platforms, plus tested by
>> LilyPond since some time now which is probably one of the bigger
>> "customers".
> Another ping on this topic...
> patches downstream in LilyPond, and recently Michael Käppler (CC'ed)
> investigated and provided fixes for some more problems with 32-bit long
> on Windows that would ideally find their way upstream.

> including the patch to store hashes in uintptr_t, as also done by Jan
> Nieuwenhuizen, Mike Gran, and Andy Wingo in the wip-mingw branch, which

I do not have enough background to judge the other patches, but this one
looks safe and good to me.

> [5. text/x-patch; 0004-Store-hashes-as-uintptr_t.patch]...

If no one sees a problem with that, I can merge, test, and push it, but
I’m no maintainer, so I still need a “looks good to me, feel free to
push” from a proper maintainer.

I can also check whether it makes a performance difference on GNU/Linux
(though I doubt that).

And in general: almost everything that makes the life easier for
Lilypond devs is a win for Guile, too.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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