Hi Arne,

Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de> writes:

> Catonano <caton...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Overall, I'd say this:
>> […]
>> There is level 0 of Guile packaging: that's NO packaging. You keep your
>> files scattered around and they will be autocompiled
>> In the future, there could be a level 2. That is: no m4 anymore !! As fas
>> as I undertsand the Autoconf based machinery relies on bash to execute
>> tests (is such library available ? Is Guile version >= 2.7 ?)
> Autoconf is intended to be bootstrappable with minimal dependencies.
> It needs some shell. At some point gash might be a suitable option.

Right.  This is what autotools brings to the table right? A super
minimalist, dependable and portable installation process.

Having a fully Guile bootstrap using tools such as gash would be
amazing.  It shouldn't lose us meaningful portability I suppose, because
these tools would work anywhere where Guile works, and we're talking
about distributing Guile libraries & applications in the first place!

> m4 is just a very simple templating language. Should not be too hard
> to implement it in Guile.

Again, this has come up in the past.  I love the idea of having a Guile
way to do the work that m4, autoreconf and automake do — I think any
piecemeal or module work towards this would super valuable.

I hope for now, in the absence of those things existing, having Hall
provide a kludgy bridge between autotools and Guile might be the best of
both worlds…



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