Dimitris Papavasiliou schreef op di 21-12-2021 om 11:12 [+0000]:
> [1...]

> . The manual is not very specific about how and when finalizers are
> run.  The
>    approach above seems to correctly finalize all objects created as
> the Scheme
>    code executes, but if references are kept, say via (define), they
> are not
>    finalized and I get memory leaks.  Is there some way to arrange
> for the
>    complete deinitialization of Guile after I've finished evaluating
> Scheme code
>    and making sure that all finalizers are run?

The manual is not very specific on when finalizers are run, because
there aren't many formal guarantees (e.g., BDW-GC is a conservative GC,
so it might think an object is not finalizable even though it is).

About deinitialising guile: I don't know.
About finalizers: No. From the BDW-GC faq:

 I want to ensure that all my objects are finalized and reclaimed
before process exit. How can I do that?

You can't, and you don't really want that. This would require
finalizing reachable objects. Finalizers run later would have to be
able to handle this, and would have to be able to run with randomly
broken libraries, because the objects they rely on where previously
finalized. In most environments, you would also be replacing the
operating systems mechanism for very efficiently reclaiming process
memory at process exit with a significantly slower mechanism.

You do sometimes want to ensure that certain particular resources are
explicitly reclaimed before process exit, whether or not they become
unreachable. Programming techniques for ensuring this are discussed in

``Destructors, Finalizers, and Synchronization'', Proceeedings of the
2003 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages, Jan. 2003, pp. 262-272. Official version. Technical report
version. HTML slides. PDF slides. 

> 2. If, in `run_body', I simply do
>        scm_c_primitive_load(context->input);
>    then the code is evaluated, but on error I get no locations in the
> stack
>    trace.  The error is said to have occurred "in an unknown file"
> with no line
>    numbers.  Evaluating `load' as shown above, seems to produce
> proper source
>    locations in the stack trace.  Is there something else I should be
> preferably
>    doing?

Due to bootstrapping reasons, there are multiple readers and evaluators
in Guile, of varying debugability. I'm not 100% sure, but I think
the 'primitive-load' reader+evaluator has low debugability and the
'load' procedure has higher debugability?

> 3. More generally, is there a preferable way to go about embedding
> Guile for my
>    use case?

Instead of reinitialising and deinitialising guile repeatedly (seems
inefficient!), I would suggest initialising Guile once at program start
and do Guile stuff whenever needed.

However, that might be incompatible with your memory management
approach ...


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