On Tue, 21 Dec 2021, Dimitris Papavasiliou <dpapa...@protonmail.ch> wrote:

> The idea is that the C++ program, after some initialization, loads and 
> evaluates
> one or more Scheme files (provided by the user as command line arguments).
> During the course of their evaluation, these create objects on the C++ side
> (representing the work that is to be done) and, once they're evaluated the 
> work
> of Guile is done.  At that point, ideally, I'd like to deinitialize/terminate
> Guile, both to reclaim resources which are no longer necessary and to ensure
> that it plays no further role in the execution of the rest of the program.  As
> far as I can see, this is not possible.

>From this description, what I understand is that you want to use Scheme
as a configuration file for batching the operations to be done in a
second phase in C++.  However, I failed to see why you need to finalize
these objects since you're going to use them in your second phase?

> If anyone has any comments or ideas, they would be most welcome.

One way I think of would be to fork the process and create your C++
objects in a shared memory area between the parent and the child.  Once
Guile is done reading your inputs, the child process dies and all its
memory is reclaimed by the OS.

> I'd appreciate some confirmation of the validity of my approach and
> also some tips on a couple of loose ends.

I think it's a valid approach.

Olivier Dion

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