Maxime Devos <> writes:

> [[PGP Signed Part:No public key for 49E3EE22191725EE created at 
> 2022-02-09T22:07:58+0100 using EDDSA]]
> Christine Lemmer-Webber schreef op wo 09-02-2022 om 10:18 [-0500]:
>> I'd like to actually see Guile integrate Wisp as a core language and
>> think about what it would be like to support it as a recommended
>> alternate way of writing programs.  I think with the new block-level
>> highlighting that Arne has written, Wisp could be near ready for prime
>> time.  This could mean:
>>  - Getting wisp actually in Guile's official languages
>>  - Figuring out how to get geiser to be nicely integrated
>>  - Figuring out how to make importing Wisp modules be as easy as
>>    importing parenthetical-lisp ones
> I thought that Wisp = Scheme + a custom (non-parenthetical) reader,
> so I importing Wisp modules would work the same way as Guile modules I
> think?
> (use-modules (some wisp foo))
> AFAIK the only issue here is file extensions (mapping foo/bar.go to

You can enable that via commandline flags to Guile, but you have to
precompile wisp files for that:

$ echo "define-module : foo
  . #:export : bar

define : bar
  . 'bar
" > foo.w

$ guild compile -f wisp foo.w
$ guile -L . -x .w

scheme@(guile-user)> (import (foo))
scheme@(guile-user)> (bar)
$1 = bar

This is not the most convenient of options, but it already provides a
way to actually ship wisp to people without them having to know about

Aside: this is my header for wispwot:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -*- wisp -*-
exec -a "$0" ${GUILE:-guile} --language=wisp -x .w -L "$(dirname "$(realpath 
"$0")")" -C "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" -e '(run-wispwot)' -c '' "$@"
; !#

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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