On 2015-05-24 17:48, Luis Felipe López Acevedo wrote:

Hi Adam.

Yes, I'm aware of those. Most of them are because of a missing Doctype
definition on all pages, and because of using XML syntax in
self-closing elements. Part of that is related to the current SXML to
XML conversion method.

I meant to say that the pages are missing a Document type declaration, and that SXML to XML renders empty non-self-closing elements as self-closing elements. For example

    (video (@ (src "http://somevideo.org/video.webm";)))

Will be rendered as

    <video src="http://somevideo.org/video.webm"/>

Instead of

    <video src="http://somevideo.org/video.webm";></video>

In the case of the current video in the homepage, the issue can be avoided because that video should provide alternative content, which I'll fix. And, as a workaround for pages that include JavaScript in the future, I think a noscript element could be used as alternative.

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

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