taylanbayi...@gmail.com (Taylan Ulrich "Bayırlı/Kammer") writes:

>>>>> After some tinkering around I realized that the problem is that our
>>>>> workaround of loading files explicitly causes the package record
>>>>> type to be redefined after some packages have already been defined.
>>>>> More generally, we force the top-level of many files to be
>>>>> re-executed after they've already been executed as a result of a
>>>>> module import...
> Returning to this issue after a long pause, I suddenly had a new idea,
> which is to use something akin to 'use-modules' instead of 'load' on the
> files.  (I need a procedure and not a macro, and don't actually need to
> 'use' the modules, so I use 'resolve-interface' in the patch below.
> Don't know if there's a better suited procedure for this purpose.)
> The tricky part is turning file names into module names, but so far all
> seems unproblematic, so a straightforward transformation from the string
> "$out/foo/bar.scm" to the list (foo bar) does the job.  (Possible issues
> would be when a file name doesn't match a module name, or a file doesn't
> contain a module at all.)
> This entails the least amount of duplicated effort from all the variants
> we had so far, and finishes in below 2 minutes on my machine.  (I think
> the only remaining duplication is the compilation of the modules during
> 'resolve-interface' and their compilation via 'compile-file', and the
> former cannot be done in parallel, so we could again cut the time to
> below half of what it is now, if we solved that.)
> Tell me if you see any problems with this variant.

Pinging this thread since it seems to have been forgotten. :-)


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