Hi Mathieu,

Sometimes it's hard to admit when you are wrong, but I think in
practice people barely take notice if you quickly admit you are
wrong and move on. If you drag it out, people are definitively
going to remember.

Claiming that you applied logic to arrive at the conclusion that

- Providing a user tool to fetch a tarball
- Displaying a direct link to a tarball in our UI

are the same thing is nonsense.

Asking me to start a discussion on the linux-libre mailing list over
this is an unreasonable request.

The only way I can see these two things being equal is if you

class Thing
class UserTool extends Thing
class DirectLink extends Thing

typeof UserTool == typeof DirectLink ;-)

I had a class on java - which I didn't attend - and passed
an exam - but I never wrote a single line of java. Pretty
interesting what will pass as a java programmer don't you
think? =P

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