Hi Katherine,

>> It seems you already did the hard work of finding out how to bootstrap
>> Scala. (I think that writing the package definitions is the easy
>> part. Finding the Scala versions that can be compiled by Java and then
>> compile the correct newer Scala version using it is the hard part)
> Looks like not quite! After speaking to some friendly scala community
> members, it looks[1] like the bootstrapping process is much more
> harrowing. The last version of scala which only used Java to compile was
> pre 2.0 (for reference the 2.0 commit appears to be here[2]). So we'd be
> looking at a chain of scala packages numbering possibly in the hundreds
> and going back 10+ years.

I just found out about http://www.scala-native.org.  It’s a project to
build a stand-alone Scala compiler on top of LLVM.  Version 0.1 has just
been released.

Maybe this could be used to build the build tools needed to build an
initial version of Scala on top of the JVM?  Sounds better to me than
having to go back in time for a fragile bootstrap.

What do you think?


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