ng0 <> writes:

> tumashu transcribed 1.0K bytes:
>> Debian menu system 
>> ( is a very 
>> useful tool,
>> is it possible develop a similar tool for guix?
> Could you explain what this exactly does?
> The manual page only documents the insides, not the description.

The below comment is from debian menu introduction.  if a package have a
debian menu file,  all window-manager's menu in debian will show this
package menu.

 Before the advent of update-menus, when the sysadmin installed a package onto 
a Debian system, they would need to edit various window manager config files to 
make the new program show up on, for example, fvwm's menus. The menus could 
easily become out of sync with what programs were actually available, with some 
menu items that didn't work, and other programs that lacked a menu entry. 
update-menus and Debian's menu package aim to solve this problem.

update-menus automatically generates menus of installed programs for window 
managers and other menu programs. It should be run whenever a menu file or 
menu-method file is changed. update-menus will be ran automatically when Debian 
packages that contain menu files are installed or removed from the system. 
Users themselves can add/delete menu items, and should then run update-menus as 
that user, thus creating window-manager startup files that are used in 
preference to the systemwide files. 


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