
Dave Love <f...@gnu.org> skribis:

> Ludovic Courtès <ludovic.cour...@inria.fr> writes:
>> Hello,
>> Dave Love <f...@gnu.org> skribis:
>>> Fedora sensibly builds separately-named libraries for different flavours
>>> <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/openblas/sources/>, but I'd
>>> argue also for threaded versions being available with the generic soname
>>> in librray sub-directories.  There's some discussion and measurements
>>> (apologies if I've referenced it before) at
>>> <https://loveshack.fedorapeople.org/blas-subversion.html>
>> I like the idea of an ‘update-alternative’ kind of approach for
>> interchangeable implementations.
> /etc/ld.so.conf.d normally provides a clean way to flip the default,
> but that isn't available in Guix as far as I remember.


>> Unfortunately my understanding is that implementations aren’t entirely
>> interchangeable, especially for LAPACK (not sure about BLAS), because
>> BLIS, OpenBLAS, etc. implement slightly different subsets of netlib
> LAPACK may add new routines, but you can always link with the vanilla
> Netlib version, and openblas is currently only one release behind.  The
> LAPACK release notes I've seen aren't very helpful for following that.
> The important requirement is fast GEMM from the optimized BLAS.  I
> thought BLIS just provided the BLAS layer, which is quite stable, isn't
> it?

I tried a while back to link PaSTiX (a sparse matrix direct solver
developed by colleagues of mine), IIRC, against BLIS, and it would miss
a couple of functions that Netlib LAPACK provides.

>> Packages also often check for specific implementations in
>> their configure/CMakeLists.txt rather than just for “BLAS” or “LAPACK”.
> It doesn't matter what they're built against when you dynamically load a
> compatible version.

Right but they do that precisely because all these implementations
provide different subsets of the Netlib APIs, AIUI.

>> FlexiBLAS, which Eric mentioned, looks interesting because it’s designed
>> specifically for that purpose.  Perhaps worth giving it a try.
> I see it works by wrapping everything, which I wanted to avoid.  Also
> it's GPL, which restricts its use.  What's the advantage over just
> having implementations which are directly interchangeable at load time?

Dunno, I haven’t dig into it.

>> Besides, it would be good to have a BLAS/LAPACK policy in Guix.  We
>> should at least agree (1) on default BLAS/LAPACK implementations, (2)
>> possibly on a naming scheme for variants based on a different
>> implementation.
> Yes, but the issue is wider than just linear algebra.  It seems to
> reflect tension between Guix' approach (as I understand it) and the late
> binding I expect to use.  There are potentially other libraries with
> similar micro-architecture-specific issues, and the related one of
> profiling/debugging versions.  I don't know how much of a real problem
> there really is, and it would be good to know if someone has addressed
> this.

Guix’ approach is to use static binding a lot, and late binding
sometimes.  For all things plugin-like we use late binding.  For shared
libraries (not dlopened) we use static binding.

Static binding has a cost, as you write, but it gives us control over
the environment, and the ability to capture and replicate the software
environment.  As a user, that’s something I value a lot.

I’d also argue that this is something computational scientists should
value: first because results they publish should not depend on the phase
of the moon, second because they should be able to provide peers with a
self-contained recipe to reproduce them.

> Yes, but even with dynamic dispatch you need to account for situations
> like we currently have on x86_64 with OB not supporting the latest
> micro-architecture, and it only works on x86 with OB.  You may also want
> to avoid overhead -- see FFTW's advice for packaging.  Oh for SIMD
> hwcaps...

I’m not sure what you mean.  That OB does not support the latest
micro-architecture is not something the package manager can solve.

As for overhead, it should be limited to load time, as illustrated by
IFUNC and similar designs.


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