Chris Marusich <> writes:

>> A second question is, the contributor covenant has evolved, should we upgrade
>> ours from 1.3.0 to the current
>> [1.4.0](
> To help people understand what has changed going from 1.3.0 to 1.4, here
> is a handy command you can use to get a visual diff of the versions:
>   wdiff -n -w $'\033[30;41m' -x $'\033[0m' -y $'\033[30;42m' -z $'\033[0m' \
>   <(curl 
> \
>   <(curl 
> \
>   | less -R

From my reading of the diff, these are the main changes:

* Make the code more inclusive (e.g., change "sexual orientation" to
  "sexual identity and orientation").

* Clarify that the code applies not only to the "project" but also to
  the larger "community" surrounding it.

* Add multiple "examples of behavior that contributes to creating a
  positive environment," such as "gracefully accepting constructive

* Explicitly state that "project maintainers are responsible for
  clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior".

* Add "examples of representing a project or community", such as "using
  an official project e-mail address".

* Explicitly title each section to clarify the document structure.

* Instead of just the "maintainers", the "project team" as a whole is
  now also "obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the
  reporter of an incident."

These all seem like good improvements to me.  I think we should upgrade
to 1.4!


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