Pjotr Prins transcribed 466 bytes:
> On Sat, Sep 01, 2018 at 07:36:35AM +0000, rchar01 wrote:
> > As an example, PureOS had a similar idea for the name.
> > 
> > - https://www.pureos.net/
> > - from https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.en.html
> We should have some flavours:
> FunGuixOs
> SeriousGuixOs
> VerySeriousGuixOS
> VerySeriousGuixOSIndeed
> Just kidding. GuixOS sounds fine to me. How will be distinguish
> between Linux and Hurd?

We don't have to. Why would you want this?
Simply give a download a descriptive name, and put the details in
parens behind it or a proper description box.

Imagine we get support for one of the BSD kernels in the future. And
then a variant which builds our own BSD-based GuixSD/OS.. you don't
need to come up with a new name every time.

GuixOS (Linux-libre)
GuixOS (Hurd)
GuixOS (obsd)

easy as that

> GuixLinuxOS
> GuixHurdOS
> or simplify to
> GNU Guix Linux
> GNU Guix Hurd
> Pj.

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