
> 1) Get the videos-repository filled up with the general tools and
> Makefiles from your private repository.
Sure! The only thing that worries me a little is not having the audios
and creating the video with silence. mp3s
> 2) Get as much as possible video-templates in, even if they are only
> 80% polished.
We already have the installation, the daily use, and I am finishing
the asking for help. The only thing  that I need is your approval for
the transcripts for creating the subtitles.
> [3) Get the blog-post online.]
I sent it for review to both of you :) It is already tested locally -
I should have asked for help when I got stuck and had some conflicts
with the website, for example -, except for adding the pictures.

> For everybody: The guix-video repository is now created:

> 0) I would prefer to have a linar history on master that is more or
> less clean. What you could do is add the general scripts to the
> 'master', then create for each video a branch as Gábor suggested.
Yes, I was trying to do so, but then my branches were improved
(specially the installation one), and since I never merged, now I have
branches from branches, but they kind of keep the same structure. Wil
ask for help before runining the repo, or at least try to polish my
private repo and then add it to guix-video.

> 1) In the end, in this guix-video repository there should be both the
> general framework things (i.e. the Makefile, the script tool, the
> general README, and maybe some other things). These should be generally
> usable, nothing video-specific should be there.
It is :) the only thing that changes in the Makefile is the default
video name so that i don't have to pass it a new variable. But then
they are common.
> /videos/01-installation-from-script
> /videos/02-daily-use-part1
> /videos/02-daily-use-part2
Each branch works like that, instead of the root path, of course, but
we have 1-installationFromScript, 2-dailyUse, and so on.
> Would that make sense? Is this possible with little effort and few time left?
Yes, sure. I feel bad about not having the narrators, but I could keep
creating videos after the internship ends as a contributor, and then
switch to contribute in other tasks - that's for other mail
> What help do you need, for example with the scripts/Makefiles?
If you could help me with the merging/rebasing part that would be
great, so that I focus on the videos. But not with everything. And
please answer "the transcipt is fine, create the subtitles for the
installation video" because they take time, they would be useful for
the narrator, and I won't be uploading my approximately silence audios
until I have the subtitles, to see if they match with the timing.  the
only thing that worries me is the lack of time. The rest, I can
somewhat figure out on my own and ask for help when needed. But I
promise I won't try to do everything on my own and get in touch
whenever I get stuck for more than one hour. But yes, since it is a
public repo, I guess that not making mistakes here is the best way you
could help me, like with the blog post.

And please, recall coordinating with Mark about the URL for the real
videos, since it will be mentioned in, for instance, the asking for
help one (https://audio-video.gnu.org/guix?/<installation-script-) and
so on.
> Björn

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