Hi Laura,

I had the feeling that some of your answers sound a bit like a
justification. That was maybe because my tone was a bit too demanding?

I want to say that you did and still do good work with the videos and
you mastered several obstacles (including me :-)) and still are like
Gábor said in time. I just wanted to be sure to get nice productive
last two weeks and we agree on the "final spurt" :-)

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:38:55 -0300
Laura Lazzati <laura.lazzati...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> > 1) Get the videos-repository filled up with the general tools and
> > Makefiles from your private repository.  
> Sure! The only thing that worries me a little is not having the audios
> and creating the video with silence. mp3s

Let's start with the silence.

> > 2) Get as much as possible video-templates in, even if they are only
> > 80% polished.  
> We already have the installation, the daily use, and I am finishing
> the asking for help. The only thing  that I need is your approval for
> the transcripts for creating the subtitles.

I will do my homework tomorrow morning :-)

> > [3) Get the blog-post online.]  
> I sent it for review to both of you :) It is already tested locally -
> I should have asked for help when I got stuck and had some conflicts
> with the website, for example -, except for adding the pictures.

Same here :-)


> > What help do you need, for example with the scripts/Makefiles?  
> If you could help me with the merging/rebasing part that would be
> great, so that I focus on the videos. But not with everything. And
> please answer "the transcipt is fine, create the subtitles for the
> installation video" because they take time, they would be useful for
> the narrator, and I won't be uploading my approximately silence audios
> until I have the subtitles, to see if they match with the timing.

OK, I will look at the merging/organizing of the scripts tomorrow.

> And please, recall coordinating with Mark about the URL for the real
> videos, since it will be mentioned in, for instance, the asking for
> help one (https://audio-video.gnu.org/guix?/<installation-script-) and
> so on.



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