sirgazil writes:

> Hi, mikadoZero,
> El 10/03/19 a las 11:13 a. m., mikadoZero escribió:
>> Doing this duckduckgo site search:  `geeks
>> site:` gives me only one match.  Which
>> is footnote 1 of section 1 Introduction of the manual.  I do not know of
>> anywhere else where the pronunciation of Guix is explicitly stated.
>> I would like to know what other think about making the pronunciation of
>> Guix obvious to anyone who visits the website.  The reasoning for this is
>> because the pronunciation of Guix as "geeks" is not intuitive.  I
>> think a lot of people will assume it is pronounced some other way.  For
>> example "gwixs" or "gooixs".  I was not sure how to say Guix before
>> watching a talk on Guix.  It is also easy for people to miss that single
>> footnote in the manual on how to pronounce Guix.
> When there are more introductory videos about Guix in the home page, I
> think the pronunciation will be easier to discover.
> If it is not enough with the videos, I think one could do as Wikipedia
> does: adding a speaker icon which plays an audio file with the
> pronunciation of a word being defined.

I like how the Guix website does not have any JavaScript on it.  This
makes it accessible to terminal browsers and the eww browser in Emacs.
It is good to accommodate these non JavaScript browser as they help
people deal with:

I hope that when video and audio are being added to the Guix website
that terminal browsers are kept in mind. 

> [...]
>> I also wanted to know what people think about the "geeks" pronunciation
>> and how it may impact adoption of Guix as it continues to grow long term.  
>> Maybe
>> someday becoming as popular as Debian, macOS or Windows are today
>> (wishful thinking).  For example what if Linux kernel had actually been
>> called Freax.
>> Would it have negatively impacted adoption of the kernel.
>> Yes Freax and "geeks" are fun.
>> On the other hand branding is important.
>> Just to make my bias clear.  I am not a fan of pronouncing Guix "geeks"
>> and find myself thinking of deliberately mispronouncing Guix as "gwixs"
>> or spelling out the letters G U I X when talking to people about Guix.
>> I am curious what others think about these two related points.
> I don't see much problem with the relation to the term "geek". At
> least in my experience, I don't remember disapproving or derogative
> uses of it.
> Also where I live, in South America, in the Aburrá Valley, The term
> "geek" is used in its English form by some people to describe
> themselves as people who are very interested in technology and its
> specifics.

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