Tobias Geerinckx-Rice writes:

> Hullo!
> Now I personally think ‘Guix’ looks and sounds good (not fine), and
> our logo is positively stunning, and damn professional too. If that
> makes me biased, so be it ;-)
> mikadoZero wrote:
>> I also wanted to know what people think about the "geeks"
>> pronunciation and how it may impact adoption of Guix as it continues
>> to grow long term.  Maybe someday becoming as popular as Debian,
>> macOS or Windows are today (wishful thinking).  For example what if
>> Linux kernel had actually been called Freax. […] Would it have
>> negatively impacted adoption of the kernel.
> I really don't think so.  ‘Linux’ is the fellow's name with an X on
> the end.  It's as much of a anti-marketing joke as ‘Freax’ was (or GNU
> or Guix for that matter).  The only reason it seems more familiar is
> because, well, it is.
> And (honest question): do we even care?  Such a stupid reason to shoot
> yourself in the foot with an inferior package manager.
>> Yes Freax and "geeks"
> [and “Linux”]
>> are fun.   On the other hand branding is important.
> You wrote this as a contradiction but I don't see one.
> The world's most valuable and evil company was once called ‘Google’.
> Koooky!

Guix is different from Linux or Google because pronouncing it as
"geeks" gives it a negative connotation and sentiment.  See below.

>> Just to make my bias clear.  I am not a fan of pronouncing Guix
>> "geeks" and find myself thinking of deliberately mispronouncing
>> Guix as "gwixs" or spelling out the letters G U I X when talking
>> to people about Guix.
> That's really unfortunate.
> Kind regards,
> T G-R
> GUIX® is a trademark of Express Logic, Inc.  All other brands or
> product names are the property of their respective holders.

In my initial message I should have explained why I am not a fan of Guix
pronounced "geeks".  It is because the pronunciation is the same as the
plural of the word geek. The word geek has an ambiguous definition.  When Guix is pronounced "geeks"
there are negative connotation.

The current participants in the Guix community have a self selection
bias by using alpha or beta software.  This could shows itself through a
focus on the positive definition of geek.  However I am alone in
perceiving the negative connotations and sentiment of the word geek.

The vaderSentiment project on GitHub has sentiment scores for words
which you can see in it's vader_lexicon.txt.  Both geeks and geek have
negative sentiment.

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