Hi Laura,

> I have just thought, may you see the transcripts of all the videos,
> and arrange them if you find a better way of saying things in native
> English, and then I record the CLI session videos and create
> subtitles for them? Do you find this workflow fine?

Yes, sounds a good plan.  I will aim to work through the videos to
build each one, then listen to the playback and then edit the
transcript at a rate of one-per-day this week.  That should mean
finishing them all by the end of this week.

If you can do the cli sessions as well that would fit in perfectly.  I
have put back the recording session to next Tuesday 2nd April so that
there is a little more time to get everything finished.

The question about flickering could take some investigation.  Do we
know yet whether this is consistent across all players? or are there
examples where flickering does not happen?   

If others could test with their own players that may give us a clue.  

One other suggestion was to check the codecs.  Do the slides and the
cli sessions use the same codec?

Best regards,


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