* František Kučera <konfere...@frantovo.cz> [2019-10-12 19:13]:
> Dne 12. 10. 19 v 15:38 pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) napsal(a):
> > On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 03:06:31PM +0200, Jean Louis wrote:
> >> Ludovic Courtès and Andy Wingo and other people who are introducing
> >> their pro-feminist political views into the apolitical GNU project
> >> are mixing the independent GNU project with their feminist stances.
> >>
> > GNU projects should be feminist
> It is not clear whether current troubles are linked to feminism or other
> *ism or just interests of some corporations. But what is clear is that
> different people have naturally and constantly different opinions on
> various *isms. And the point is that mixing *isms into the free software
> development, will cause community breakdown. We would be spending time
> with pointless quarrels (as you can see right now) instead of developing
> useful free software for everybody (freedom 0).

It is dividing the community.


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