* Wilson Bustos <wrbut...@gmail.com> [2019-10-12 19:47]:
> P,
> The problem is when that politics gets extreme.
> For example at the point to change the rules of a human language just for
> politics reason.
> The guixSD Spanish manual for example says : 'la usuaria' to refer to every
> user

I understand that certain languages have only he or she uses, then in
such case is not right to step into one side, but to mention "usuaria"
or "usuario", mentioning both sexes.

> But in Spanish 'la usuaria' only refers to a female user, and 'el usuario'
> refer to every user, a male or both to be more exact.
> The rules to create a gender neutral language in the manual in some
> languages as the Spanish is not possible, because there is not way to
> achieve that in Spanish at least.

Then make the point by including both sexes in the text.

> But also the the new rule is creating a 'feminist languaje' due to 'la
> usuaria' is only for woman's

So the new rule is made by feminists? That has no place in any GNU
project. It is incorrect to favor one group over the other. GNU
project is apolitical.

> The reason to do that is only political, the argument is the woman's
> feels not get represented when you says 'el usuario'.

Which women? Please make specific statistic. In public relations one
has to do survey, and normally minimum of 1000 people would be asked
in a neutral manner.

You would go to Spain or spanish speaking country, and you would give
them the text to be read without influencing a person in any
manner. Then you would ask questions if text is alright and if they
feel discriminated by any manner?

Next question would be if they feel discriminated by using usuario
instead usuaria.

And then you would ask would it be better to use both usuario/a in the

And you would ask for some other solution.

Then you would evaluate answers from 1000 people. Then such survey
could be published and given to GNU decision makers to further make it
just for people who feel discriminated.

But in those countries where usuario is used, there is meaning in
dictionaries that it does not mean only male, but also female. It is
shortage of the language.

Invent the word.

But don't stand on one side, as it is nonsense to say that usuario
would only be politically correct as it is not.

> But in the real world, only a feminist person can say that.
> The translation work should be translate a lenguaje to another, not create
> a new languaje' to accommodate your political ideas.

If local language does not support neutral gender I think it is
alright to create new language in any of GNU texts so to exclude any
affected group and be politically neutral and welcoming to everybody.


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