
Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hin...@fastmail.net> writes:

> Hi Bengt,
>>> [1]
>>> https://webcast.in2p3.fr/video/les-enjeux-et-defis-de-la-recherche-reproductible
>>> https://aramis.resinfo.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pleniaires:aramis_keynote_enjeux-et-defis-recherche-reproductible_konrad_hinsen.pdf
>> Is [1] available as a libre video download?
> No idea. I can answer most questions about the content since I am the
> speaker, but I was not involved with recording and publishing.

I was able to play it on Guix System with VLC.  The following URL uses
“MPEG-DASH” for streaming, and VLC understands that.


Unfortunately, I got certificate errors, but VLC lets you temporarily
ignore those.


(Thanks Konrad!  I’m looking forward to watching it later.)

-- Tim

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