On Tue, 3 Mar 2020 at 19:32, zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Based on your interests (Clojure, Leiningen, etc.), you should
> consider something around a Clojure "importer".

Hi, Simon, all,

As promised, I have retaken this project :-)
Sorry for the delay in writing.

I am preparing my proposal. I will send it in the next few days.

I am currently checking current guix importers, and their documentation.
In particular, I have been reading the source code from the Python and
Haskell importers.

I am also checking Jelle Licht's 2016 GSoC project (the npm importer).
>From what I understand, Jelle's code was never merged back into guix.
As I'm trying to learn from the past, could anyone please ellaborate
on why was that code never merged?

Regarding packaging clojupyter... I understand that I will need at
least one full application to eventually test the importer. That being
said... is there any particular value in packaging clojupyter? Could
you please name a few "essential" Clojure projects you would like to
see packaged for guix?


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