Hello Efraim!

> Congrats again! As the unofficial Enlightenment maintainer I'm happy to
> work with you and to try to not grumble too much about changes.

Thank you! I am happy to work with you too. :-)

> I currently have efl-1.24.1 and enlightenment-0.24 sitting in a separate
> branch waiting for our heatwave to break so I can go back to my normal
> machine and test them out in person. In addition, I have a couple of EFL
> apps which I haven't pushed to Guix yet. Some of them I haven't gotten
> around to, some of them need more work. I've also previously tracked
> down some of the Moksha apps (enlightenment 0.17 fork) for consideration
> for packaging.

That's nice. We can work together to merge our works. Anyway, we have
some time to get there.

> I see Enlightenment is 4 of 4 in the desktop list and I certainly won't
> be offended if it receives less attention than the other desktop
> environments and services. It has fewer moving parts than the others.

I ordered the DE's based on shared dependencies. I personally like EFL.
It seems to be better in performance than gtk+ and qt. I am trying to
give my best to all the mentioned DE's. :-)


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